Three Tips for Social Media Marketing

Love it or hate it, social media is now a part of our every day lives. We check social media to see friends, read the news, shop local or online retailers, find out which causes to support, find events in our area, and so much more. Social media platforms have become entrenched in our lives and can be useful when used correctly.

One way to use social media correctly is to share your goals, services, and products. There are so many needs that should be filled and oftentimes, it's hard for someone to know where to look when they run into one of those unmet needs. So, they turn to social media and ask friends or scour groups and pages to see if there's anyone else out there who has the same need and if there's any way to fill it.

How do you make sure you're the one they find when they search social media, then? Here are three quick tips:

1) Post daily on your social media channels.

If you make daily posts, then the platform you're using will show those posts to more people. You show you're an active page and more user accounts will engage with a page when they see that page is active. No one wants to follow a dead page. So, post daily. The more engagement you get, the more the social media platform will recommend you to other users, increasing your audience organically. Our goal is reduce your costs by avoiding the need for paid reach and instead, chasing organic reach: reach that is propagated sort of like word-of-mouth but over social media. If someone engages with your posts, then others in a similar area, demographic, or with similar interests will see that post as well, causing a snowball effect of eyeballs on your page. Posting daily increases that chance of engagement.

2) Don't just advertise yourself, but try to start conversations.

It's really annoying to feel like you're being sold to rather than helped or genuinely engaged in conversation. Most people feel irritated when they sense they're being sold to. Mental images of the used-car salesman from TV and film spring to mind and the barriers immediately go up. This defense mechanism in most people makes it difficult to show a product you want to sell while also avoiding springing those walls.

Instead of constantly marketing your products or services, try to start conversations which are adjacent to them. If you run a bakery, try posts about birthdays or baby showers which will typically include some kind of baked goods as treats. These kinds of posts help build relationships between your (prospective and current) customers and you which encourages customers to pay attention to the posts about your work. These engagement posts also helps spread your page across the social media platform because many people are more interested in sharing fun, engaging posts rather than blatant advertisements.

3) Respond as quickly as possible to messages on social media.

The internet has added a burden of interconnectivity to everyone. Although you may have different expectations of business response times to your messages, 42% of consumers expects an answer from a business on social media within 60 minutes. And 57% of those consumers expect an answer in that time frame regardless of time of day. This expectation is on you, the business owner, regardless of whether it's fair or not. And attempting to meet that expectation and decrease your response time helps on platforms like Facebook that display your response time plus it makes the person who asked their question more confident that your business is active and reliable. Just be sure to be accurate in your answers!

These three tips are only a starting point. There are so many things to cover and keep in mind when advertising yourself on social media. But having these qualities integrated in your social media presence will help your business grow.